A.C.E. 3
ACE CD 3.iso
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Text File
246 lines
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| ` ' ` `-- ________________\ · The ORB! · |
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/ /\ /\ \ ÷ brin× yoU 2-daY: ÷
/ //\\ //\\_ \_
\_ / \\ // \ / KATAKiS [AGA/ECS] FiXED
_ _// . \ / . \\_ _
\ \ | / \ | / /
------\_\__// \\__/_/-------------------------------------------------
| _ · · YUmm YumM! A new Quality fix bY ^Ste3l^... |
--------\\ _ /---------------------------------------------------
\_ ( _/
¡ !
: Title : KATAKiS !
! Game-type : SHOOT 'EM UP | ----------------
| Company : (c) 1988 RAiNBOW ARTS/FACTOR 5 :===! ÷[11.07.95]÷ |
| Numer of dis× : ONE ! ----------------
: HD-Installation : NO WAY |
: Fixed for : CHiPRAM>512KB & 68020+ [AGA&ECS] !
! __ |
!KATAKiS (c) 1988 by Rainbow Arts (Infos abouT tHe FIX & Doc)|
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÷ ^Ste3l^ About his Fix ÷
Orginally the crack used (to reduce memory) the "chipmem-mirror-image"
on 512KB Amiga-machines.
As this isn't found on machines with more than 512KB of chipmem,
I had to patch the loading-routines.
If you are using a normal A500 "NOTHING" will be patched,
you will enjoy the normal DEFJAM & RSI crack.
But on other Amigas a patch will be installed to fix this bug.
A second bug was that if caches were used the loading routine crashed
in a big "DDddrrRrrrr" of your diskdrive and nothing was loaded at all.
So if you use an 68020+ processor, caches will be turned off automatically.
One bug has to be claimed: when you have exited the trainer and the
game intro gets loaded,it MIGHT happen that your amiga with chipmem >512KB
crashes in a guru... (Configuration?) uhh you say what a lame fix, but
this is caused by a jmp (aX) at $41C in the original game-loading-routine,
which does not the same at every bootup, i couldn't solve this prob
nevertheless i dissassembled the whole loading routines.
I tried a guru-handler, to check for LINE_Fs, but this whould cause
that the game wouldn't run anymore on an a4000, so if you got a guru,
try to load again, or in very hard cases turn off the amiga for
some seconds and boot then, this should fix your probs...
(This is so at my config, after turning on computer and loading it runs!)
Once the game-intro is running, the game will not crash, no way!
(rem.: If a guru means !NOT! that the game doesn't work on your amiga!)
Game was tested successfully on an a1200/Blizzard 1220/4mb fast/33mhz.
Game didn't run on an a4000/68040/18mb fast/25mhz.
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÷ OrigiNal KATAKiS DocumentatiOn ÷
(=Bad English by Rachel Gauntlett=)
How it all began...
In another Universe beyond the imagination lies the planet Katakis,
the most central planet in the tri-solar system, Torian.
In the beginning the planet was a paradise for it's inhabitants.
Intelligence on the planet was flourishing with much research taking place.
At the beginning very simple genetic machines were developed.
This form of industry grew, however, much faster than any body
could previewsly have imagined. Simple constructions, which could do the
hard work, were at first sufficient but then more complex machines began to
interest the scientists... The machines became very specialised and
ultimately very intelligent. The people of Katakis had put all their
creative power into their new developments, but...
What happened...
...but the machines developed into independent beings. They turned against
their creators and began to devastate the Paradise.
Disastrous natural catastrophes were brought about by them.
The machines learnt how to increase and use their destructive powers.
Forest were destroyed with gases, lakes & rivers were polluted
with chemicals. Life on Katakis was unbearable. The despairing Katakians
knew that there was only one way to end this rein of terror...
use the atom bomb.
The whole surface of the planet Katakis was destroyed by the bomb.
Free life was now impossible, so a small group of survivors set up in
an underground stronghold. Here they were protected from the deadly
radiation - but they lived lifes of misery in eternal darkness. On the
nuclear fires. They changed and mutated into totally grey life-forms,
half machine, half organism. the agression of the machines was vented
on the inhabits of Katakis. Systematically the whole planet was
stripped of life. The machines built new machines, huge factories
produced more advanced models.
The Power of the Will
Even 10 years after the beginning of the machines revolt, Katakis is
still a scene of permanent attack on life. Without rest, day in, day out
- without certain end. The survivors tried to build machines, without
independent intelligence, to beat the destructive lifeforms, but
these always failed. The Katakians knew that the only hope was to
set up a base at a safe distance from the planet. This had until now,
however, not been achieved. All who tried to reach the center of
the Machine-City failed.
In one final try, the remaining Katakians put all their technical
knowledge together to invent a space-glider that could be built very
Will this space glider survive its mission?
Will the weapons be enough?
Will it succeed in penetrating the center of the ruling machines?
Will the Katakians be free again?
Turn on your computer! (Get rid of any viruses)
When the "Workbench" screen appears, insert the program disk into
disk drive df0. The program will start automatically. You will be
told by the programm when you should exchange disks.
If you wish to save highscores, the data disk should not be write
Beginning of the Game.
After loading the data you can choose the number of players with
the joystick or display the highscore list. (Kewl, eh?)
Extra Weapons:
.-----. Increases the fire-power of the player. Two, four or eight
| O | projectiles will be shot. This is dependent on the number of
| O O | symbols that have already been collected.
.-----. Increases the flying speed of the player. BEWARE: A Fighter
| \ \ | that is flying to quickly can not be well navigated.
| / / |
.-----. Special laser that is reflected off super-structures. It is
|/¯\ | therefore a very strong weapon.
| \_|
.-----. An energy-ball that automatically attacks the strongest opponent.
|/\ /|
| \/ |
.------. Joint-energy-ball that protects the player from an attackin shot.
| .--. | After one of these symbols has been collected, a joint-energy-ball
| `--' | follows the player from underneath. When two have been collected
`------' another follows the player from above.
.------. If the firebutton is pressed for a long time after the collection
|.----.| of one of these symbols, an energy-beam will be shot. This is a very
|`----'| effective weapon which temporarily blocks your normal shooting-
`------' power. In addition these weapons cannot be used together with the
.------. A Plasma-Ball that can dock onto the players ship. By pressing the
| .-.- | fire button for a long time the ball can be shot away. However,
| `-'- | direct collision with an opponent reduces the ammount of energy
`------' and as a result opponents shots will not be absorbed. The R-Ball
can not be used together with the Power-Shot.
typEd bY: Clairv0yant & ^Ste3l^
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÷ Some SpeciAl thanX must gO to: ÷
Ramon!/HOS . ..aNd.. . Yop/DECENT
foR theiR cOOl ascII-worX we used in thiS textFile!
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